Can Bottled Water Give You Cancer?

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Can bottled water give you cancer? This has been much debated over recent years so lets have a look.   Ok, so to start off there are many hazardous products found in plastic bottles. These chemicals are Bisphenol A (BPA), Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and Phthalates.  These have all been found to be quite toxic to the human body.…

The Dark Side of Bottled Water

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We all think we are healthy and making a great decision when we reach for a bottle of water in the supermarket instead of the sugary alternatives. Did you know the dark side of bottled water? Water is always a better choice for you and your body will thank you in many ways if you choose…

Apps to help you keep track of water intake

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Most people don’t drink enough water and many say that they don’t think about drinking until they are actually thirsty. By the time you are thirsty your body has already become dehydrated. What easier way than downloading an app for your smartphone that will help keep track of your water intake and let you know…

The Best Time To Drink Water

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Do you know when the best time to drink water is? We are continually told that we need to drink  at least 8 glasses of water each day, but are you aware that there are specific times that drinking water could really enhance your health and help to keep your body in great shape. 1) After…

Buying Bottled Water is Not sustainable

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Buying bottled water is not sustainable as you will see below. Australians spend more than $500 million on bottled water each and every year. While we are all becoming much healthier and drinking more and more water, the impact on the environment is absolutely terrible. What is happening is that we are purchasing larger amounts…