10 Interesting Facts About Water

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There are many interesting facts about water, when you start looking at water as more than just a drink it is quite a fascinating thing to study. The human body is made up of 55% – 75% water. Although it is recommended for you to consume 8 cups of water each day, it is not…

10 Signs you are dehydrated

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The human body is a pretty amazing machine with it’s own in built navigation system. If you learn to read the signs you can help to keep it in peak performance. The body is made up of approximately 70-percent water therefore,  fluids are vital for our body to function. Fluids are responsible for protecting our joints,…

The Best Time To Drink Water

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Do you know when the best time to drink water is? We are continually told that we need to drink  at least 8 glasses of water each day, but are you aware that there are specific times that drinking water could really enhance your health and help to keep your body in great shape. 1) After…

Buying Bottled Water is Not sustainable

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Buying bottled water is not sustainable as you will see below. Australians spend more than $500 million on bottled water each and every year. While we are all becoming much healthier and drinking more and more water, the impact on the environment is absolutely terrible. What is happening is that we are purchasing larger amounts…

Why You Should Filter Your Tap Water

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There are many reasons why you should filter your tap water. We all know that we need to drink lots of water, but did you know that the body is made up of  65% water therefore it is a necessity to keep hydrated. Water is  essential to health,  the trouble is, drinking tap or even spring water…

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Daily

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Let me explain why you should drink lemon water daily. No one can deny that water is an essential part of life. We need water to survive, our bodies contain approximately 60% water which is continually being used as we go about our day. Replenishing the water we lose is a necessary action we must…