Water is the key to health! this is something I have been telling my family for as long as I remember. Being someone that doesn’t like taking any medication, I knew water was the key to health. I was determined to bring my children up understanding how their bodies worked. I wanted them to enjoy a healthy life without reaching for a pill every time something went off balance.

If any of then say they don’t feel well the first thing I say is, ” have a glass of water.” Nine out of ten times, their problem is cured with a long refreshing glass of the good stuff.

Hydration is so important, whenever we start to become dehydrated every part of our internal machinery starts to suffer, especially on a hot day when we are sweating out more fluids than we are replacing.

When you consider the fact that our bodies are made up of 50 to 75% depending on our age it becomes clear that if we are dehydrated our bodies will break down. A person can survive up to three weeks without food but only 3 days without water.

Main functions of water on our bodies

  • It keeps our organs functioning well.
  • It cushions our joints.
  • Flushes waste from our bodies.
  • aids in our digestion.
  • Regulates our metabolism and body temperature.

These factors make it so very important to drink lots of water and yet something that we all fail to think about in our day to day lives. So, next time you get a headache or pain in the stomach, think about how much fluid you have taken in within the last couple of hours and give your body what it needs. Constipation and headaches are two of the very first symptoms of dehydration along with a dry mouth.

Give your body the love it needs and keep it hydrated on a daily basis because water is the key to health.